Functional Medicine
Functional medicine is a holistic and patient-centered approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of illness rather than just treating symptoms. This discipline views the body as an interconnected system, acknowledging the complex interplay of various factors such as genetics, lifestyle, environment, and nutrition. Practitioners of functional medicine aim to understand the unique biochemical and physiological imbalances in each individual, considering their history, genetics, and lifestyle. By addressing the underlying causes of health issues, functional medicine seeks to promote optimal wellness and prevent future problems. The benefits of functional medicine include personalized and targeted treatment plans, a focus on prevention, and an emphasis on empowering patients to actively participate in their own healthcare journey. This approach often leads to more effective and sustainable solutions, fostering long-term well-being rather than just managing symptoms.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
This term applies to the use of compounded medications that are made into creams at the very specific concentration prescribed by your doctor. The large pharmaceutical companies have been lobbying against compounding pharmacies because the American public is starting to find out about this long-kept secret. This is actually more the way pharmacists used to work “in the old days” , where they would mix doses of medications for particular patient’s needs.
There of course benefits of standardization: quicker turn around time, lack of need for higher level of expertise in medication understanding, less margin for error. However, it is part of the “one size fits all approach” when in fact, everyone is unique in many ways.
Compounding allows the doctor and pharmacist to work together once again to customize
the treatment regimen that is just right for you.
Bioidentical hormones are made from plant sources and are the same molecular structure as is found in your body. Some prescription medication made by pharmaceutical companies are also “bioidentical” but cannot be customized to the exact needed dosage.
We utilize all types of “bioidentical” hormones delivered through the skin and closely monitor the levels of these important body chemicals. Standardized reference ranges of hormone blood levels used by laboratories have not been accurately studied. In fact, it was only after years of study and practice that Dr. Bunsic was able to truly understand how inaccurate these ranges can be, and based on her experience with numerous patients, developed a process to balance patient symptoms, timing of medication and blood hormone levels to keep hormone levels optimal in each individual patient.
These hormone medicines taken by mouth, such as the birth control pill, especially when taken by women over 35 for prolonged periods can begin to cause other problems. Also, many clinics claim to be centers for BHRT and utilize hormone pellets placed under the skin. Although claims are made that these are slowly absorbed into the skin, Dr. Bunsic has seen laboratory proof in several patients leaving these clinics, that hormone levels initially reach too high of levels in the body for optimal function. You deserve to talk to someone with expertise in all realms of hormone management to find the best solution for you.
Men’s Natural Hormone Restoration
Pharmaceutical companies have come up with several products, creams, injections, that are supposed to make you feel young and strong again. Unfortunately, when it comes to your body and hormones it’s just not that simple. Your body has started to loose it’s male potency due to stressors on your body’s system that cause drains to your endocrine system. This effects not only your testosterone but other hormones as well.
You need to work with an advanced practitioner that understands the inner workings of this system to recreate the level of health of your youth…Restoration.
Research shows that 80% of men will not be treated properly by the “one size fits all” approach.
You need hormones that are natural and tailored to exactly what your needs are so as not to stop your body’s own natural hormones from working. If you stop your own hormone production your body is not healing, it is creating dependency. Many men do continue to need bioidentical hormone creams over the years. However, in our experience this does not continue to increase dramatically over time as it does in factory-produced hormone creams or injectables.
Not only are we working with more hormones than just testosterone, but we are improving the lifestyle factors that are leading to this hormonal imbalance. Furthermore, we are making sure you get the exact dose your body needs, not just the dose the medication comes in. We believe to be restored you need the shoe to fit you, not make you fit the shoe.
Gut Health
Maybe you have heard of probiotics. Maybe you have heard about the things that can slowly or quickly kill the good bacteria in your intestinal tract. Researchers around the world are curiously studying the microscopic dwellers of our bodies. We now understand that certain types of bacteria help us to digest our food, absorb vitamins and nutrients, process out chemicals and toxins, protect the lining of our intestines, and create a natural barrier against invaders like harmful bacteria and viruses.
Having a healthy gastrointestinal system is something that people take for granted. Sadly for those individuals who suffer from ongoing constipation, bouts of diarrhea, effects of nutrient malabsorption, intestinal infections or functional problems, the gastrointestinal tract is their worst nightmare.
We look at the natural balance of hormones, enzymes, beneficial bacteria and yeast, pH, food imbalances and genetic predispositions to help restore a health digestive system.
We have worked with numerous patients that have been to Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Vanderbilt and other medical education meccas but have found no solutions to their chronic problems. By looking at the entire system of the individual patient and addressing all imbalances, we have worked together to improve the GI systems’ function and the overall health of the patients.
Medical Nutrition
Nutrition is more than just what you eat. It is actually the complex interaction between all of the biochemicals in your body and the variety of demands put upon it. Some of these come directly from the foods you eat, the supplements you take, and the toxins you are exposed to.
But believe it or not, your body has an untold history, reactions on a microscopic level that are as seemingly complex as all the stars in the sky. Most people believe that they just move on from things. The fact is, on an advanced cellular level you may or may not have. The body does have an amazing ability to compensate for a great many internal and external stresses of many forms. But remember the first law of physics, all events that occur in your life have an equal and opposite reaction. When you add that up in the exponential domino effect of biochemistry in your life, it is overwhelming.
That is why most doctors stick to the very basic:
do or do not take a multivitamin?
maybe some fish oil?
what about vitamin d, magnesium, b12, etc?
The fascinating thing about nutrition is that research is constantly discovering new aspects of truth that can help restore the human body.
If you think that your doing a good job of managing this aspect of your life and you feel amazing, stop reading.
If you feel that maybe there is something here you might be missing, some step that might have went wrong along the way, we are here to help.
Dr. Bunsic has been researching nutrition and herbal medicine since childhood. After completing a honors undergraduate thesis in South America on “Cat’s Claw”, Uncaria tomentosa in 1998, she has continued her diligent research into the best of nutritional supplements and dietary strategies despite the fact that this teaching was lacking in medical school curriculum. In continuing these studies, she earned a subspecialty certification as a Physician Nutrition Specialist by the Institute for Physician Nutrition Specialist (IPNEC) and completed her ten year recertification testing in 2015. She continues her studies with personal research and high-level educational programing around the country annually.
At our office we offer complete nutritional panels, as well as dietary and supplemental strategies targeted to your health.
Bring your issues and your health goals to our team. We would love to partner with you in achieving your best health now.
Don’t just survive… THRIVE!
Advanced Nutritional Testing
We utilize state of the art laboratory analysis to test the essential elements of your body. Whether you are trying to optimize your health or are very run down and fatigued, this testing is beneficial. It is the only way to know exactly what supplements you should be taking based on your own unique biohistory. Utilizing the Genova Laboratory, the precursors and biproducts of normal and abnormal vitamin levels are tested, not jut the direct blood levels traditionally tested. Direct blood levels are often falsely elevated due to recent dietary intake, thus missing a large amount of “deep deficiencies” due to poor absorption in the GI system, severe illness or trauma.
This is the best way to uncover your body’s “history” and really see what you need. Although this testing is not inexpensive, many are spending hundreds on supplements that might not be helping at all. If you add that up over years, on a cost -benefit ratio alone, doing this test really pays off. You deserve to know what your body needs to heal itself, not just keep covering up symptoms with medications or continuing to suffer.
NutraEval® Testing
This is an advanced diagnostic tool. Genova designed the NutrEval® profile to give physicians a better understanding of patients’ nutritional deficiencies. By combining testing in 5 key areas of core nutrients, this test bring a depth of insight into your overall nutritional status unrivaled in the laboratory industry. We utilize the highly-scientific health report that synthesizes the results of more than 100 individual biomarkers into one comprehensive packet.
We are a leader in our area of interpreting these very complex but groundbreaking tests to uncover hidden nutrient deficiencies. Oftentimes these results lead patients to finally know which nutrients are in “deep deficiency” after months or years of poor health or fatigue, in order to be guided back to health safely and methodically using advanced medical nutrition.
Cognitive Functioning
Microvascular Disease of the Brain
Premenstrual Tension Syndrome
Mood Disorders
Alzheimer’s Vascular Dementia
Frontal Lobe Dementia
Autoimmune Disease
Lupus Traumatic Brain Injury / Diffuse Axonal Injury ( TBI, DAI)
Chances are, your brain health is being affected by many things that you aren’t even aware of.
The list of negative factors on cognitive functioning is long, and include, but are not limited to: infection, Covid-19, other viruses, sepsis, chronic sinus and/or lung issues, recurring urinary or abdominal infections, Lyme disease, parasites, and yeast food additives (such as msg, red food dye, aspartame, sucralose, high fructose corn syrup), hydrogenated oils, poor gut health= multiple nutrient deficiency = brain cell atrophy, toxin buildup, head or neck injury, chronic overuse syndromes like “ tech neck”, stress induced chronic neck and upper back tension, carotid artery disease, poor blood flow, autoimmune disease (such as hashimotos, celiac, crohns , colitis, ANA positive , lupus, fibromyalgia), mixed connective tissue disorders (such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis).
Cognitive decline, often associated with aging or neurological conditions, can be a profoundly challenging experience that deeply affects an individual's sense of self and well-being. As memory lapses, cognitive functions wane, and familiar mental pathways become increasingly obscured, individuals may grapple with a range of emotions. Frustration and helplessness can emerge as once-automatic tasks become daunting, leading to a sense of vulnerability. The loss of cognitive abilities may instill feelings of isolation and anxiety, as communication and connection with loved ones may be compromised. Witnessing the erosion of one's cognitive capacities can evoke sadness and grief, as individuals feel the gradual fading of their intellectual vitality and independence. Struggling to retain a coherent narrative of one's life can lead to a profound identity crisis.
It is crucial that you receive the empathy, understanding, and support that you deserve, and that you receive treatment that can improve your cognitive functioning and have you feeling independent and self-confident again.
Your fully personalized Cognitive Optimization Protocol might include:
Customized detoxification, hormone treatment with customized and bio identical hormone therapy (including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, adrenal, thyroid and insulin regulation), food allergy/ sensitivity testing, antifungal/antiparasitic treatment (Candida Protocol), biofilms treatment, in-depth nutritional testing, genetic marker testing (ApoE, mthfr gene, ComT, etc), autoimmune marker testing and monitoring, immune system boosting, gut health restoration, cranial osteopathic treatment (Highly skilled hands on therapy to restore structural blood flow is a very important part of cognitive function.), statin alternatives to improve vascular disease, exercise protocols to improve brain-heart circulation, meditation and breathing techniques to optimize oxygenation and right-left brain connectivity and higher and deeper brain functionality, eliminating trauma circuits using spirit-soul-body techniques, nutritional response testing and in depth nutraceutical management, acidity treatment, dietary counseling, and specific supplementation to restore serotonin, dopamine, gaba, glutamate and norepinephrine receptivity.
Here at Abundance Wellness, we know that your brain is the battleground between your heart with God and your fallen world suffering. We need strong and specific strategies to allow Gods healing and purpose to flow through all that you do. That is why we use a spirit-soul-body approach to help your brain function optimally.
ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Bipolar disorder, Depression, and Anxiety
are all linked to functional brain disorders that can be healed in early to moderate stages,
but is a multi-billion dollar industry that wants to keep you in the system, like a parasite itself.
Find freedom in your heart and your mind… don’t let your insurance and the government make you settle for a slow or fast decline.
See, Hear, Understand, and invest in your health. Claim your highest health, Incorporating true science and hands on healing with my outside-in/inside-out approach.