Our Body Restore Programs
What does reverse aging look like?
Yes it’s possible!
I am excited to be the first physician in our area to be able to offer you the
EM-Sculpt NEO & Emsella
as a synergistic treatment for many disorders caused by loss of muscle.
Reverse aging can look like:
a stronger heart, which means MORE ENERGY
less joint pain
better mobility
younger looking skin
“How is this possible?” you ask.
When we are young, our muscles, tissue, bone, and nerves all work together quite well, but as we age (or if we experience injury) we lose elasticity, muscle mass, strength, and function.
Allow me to introduce you…
to the EM-sculpt NEO.
The EM-Sculpt-NEO is a NASA-developed, FDA approved, magnetic resonance and radio frequency technology used to reverse the effects of aging on the body.
In fact, in just four short sessions, you can increase your muscle mass by 25%!
This has been clinically proven by research; no fads or gimmicks.
This is YOUR muscle to use to have a better and more fulfilling life.
A series of EM-Sculpt Neo treatments typically results in:
an average of 3 inches off the circumference of the waist
25% muscle gain
30% fat loss, including the deep visceral fat
reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
restoration of abdominal muscle after pregnancy
There are multitudes of testimonials to support these facts, watch as Drew Barrymore speaks on her experience with the machine.
For some, this may mean getting up and out of a chair easier or walking up the hill faster. For others it may be achieving new fitness and weight lifting goals. This technology amazingly takes whatever YOU have and makes it BETTER.
10 Body Areas EM-SCULPT can treat:
Inner Thighs
Outer Thighs
Front Thighs
Back Thighs
Read the article about toxic belly below to learn how you can implement Dr. Bunsic’s Outside-In/Inside-Out Approach to get the most amazing results!
Incontinence is embarrassing,
but you don’t have to live with it anymore!
The key is to strengthen the pelvic floor.
Your pelvic floor contains a layer of muscles that support the your bladder and bowel organs. If these muscles are weak, it can be difficult to control the functions of these muscles. If they are strong, you have more control.
Simple, right?
If you want to stop embarrassing leaks and get rid of your incontinence products, you simply need to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
It is non-invasive and can increase your muscle mass by 25% in just four short session.
Combine your treatments with the EMsculpt NEO, and you have the opportunity to drastically improve your quality of life.
Don’t take my word for it, listen to these amazing testimonies!
EMsella treatments will improve sexual function for men and women. It will decrease interrupted sleep time due to urination.
Add in the EMsculpt NEO, and you will feel vibrant and energized again.